White House Plumbers (2023)
"White House Plumbers" is a satirical political drama miniseries from the United States, crafted and penned by Alex Gregory and Peter Huyck, with David Mandel directing. This series draws its inspiration from the 2007 book "Integrity" by Egil Krogh and Matthew Krogh. It features an impressive cast including Woody Harrelson, Justin Theroux, Domhnall Gleeson, Kiernan Shipka, and Lena Headey. The series made its debut on HBO on May 1, 2023.
Rated: TV-MAPremiere Date: May 1, 2023Movie Genre: Biographical Movie, Drama, History, CastWoody HarrelsonJustin TherouxLena HeadeyDomhnall GleesonJudy GreerKim CoatesToby HussLiam JamesTony PlanaYul VazquezZoe LevinNelson AscencioTre RyderAlexis ValdésIke BarinholtzKiernan Shipka