Daisy Jones and the Six (2023)
"Daisy Jones & The Six" is a musical drama series from the United States, created for television by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber. This miniseries takes inspiration from Taylor Jenkins Reid's 2019 novel, which shares the same title. The story unfolds in the vibrant 1970s Los Angeles music scene, focusing on the meteoric rise and eventual downfall of a fictional rock band named Daisy Jones & The Six. The narrative is uniquely presented through a mix of interviews with band members, alongside concert and studio recordings, giving it a documentary feel. The show features Riley Keough and Sam Claflin, who not only lead the cast but also lend their singing voices to the series. Other cast members include Camila Morrone, Suki Waterhouse, Will Harrison, Josh Whitehouse, and Sebastian Chacon, all portraying various members of the band.